Taxation - What Can a Property Investor legal claims administration services Claim?

What and What not to Claim The Australian Tax office (A T O) lists about 25 key areas in which rental expenses can be claimed. What you can Claim: - Advertising for Tenants - Bank Charges - Body Corporate Fees - Borrowing Expenses - Cleaning - Council Rates - Gardening and Lawn Mowing - Insurance - mass tort administration cases - Land Tax - Legal Expenses - Pest Control - Property Management Fees Commissions - Quantity Surveyor's Fees - Repairs and Maintenance - Secretarial and Bookkeeping Fees - Security Patrol Fees - Servicing Costs (IE: servicing a hot water system etc) - Telephone calls and rental - Tax-related expenses legal claims administration services Travel and car expenses (rent collection, inspection of the property, maintenance of the property etc) (You can claim a deduction for these expenses only if you actually incur them. What you cannot Claim: The ATO lists some of the following expenses for ...